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Earp, Jack
Deputy full back from Everton’s final Anfield campaign
Easthope, Joe
Left winger whose two appearances came in Everton’s darkest season
Eastoe, Peter
Selfless forward who lifted Everton during lean years
Easton, Bill
Inside forward who played a supporting cameo during Dixie’s greatest season
Ebbrell, John
Promising midfielder who struggled to fulfil his lofty potential
Eccles, George
Reliable defender who was never quite able to make a full back berth his own
Eglington, Tommy
Long-serving outside left, capped by both Ireland and Northern Ireland
Elliot, Jack
Attack-minded utility man during Goodison’s first years
Elliot, Thomas
Inside forward who partook in Everton’s first post-war competitive matches
England, Everton and
Everton – and Evertonians – possess a traditionally difficult relationship with their national team.
Europa League, UEFA
Third incarnation of UEFA’s second-tier cup competition
European Cup Winners Cup
Late lamented competition which saw Everton’s only European success
European Cup*
Club football’s ultimate prize, Everton’s history in the competition is tainted with controversy
Evans, Billy
Little-used full back who made his mark beyond Goodison
Everton Collection, The*
*also known as the David France Collection
Everton de Viña del Mar
Leading Chilean club named in tribute to their English cousins